In 2019, I worked as a member of as an event coordinator for the Pain-In-The-Ass-Athon (aka PITAthon) to raise money and awareness for the Colorectal Cancer Alliance. For years the Geekade team has been running this event, raising over $10k in total donations.
The event is usually run over a period of 24 hours straight, with teams of people sitting through 1-2 hour shifts and playing difficult (or pain in the ass!) games to entertain our donors. We do giveaways, in game challenges, and just have general silliness to keep it interesting.
As part of the promotional materials and fundraising efforts in 2019, I created a comic for every game we were playing that year. I released one a week leading up to the event, and created these limited edition art sets that were then auctioned on eBay. Again, all proceeds went to the CCA. Each comic featured our original character, Nurse Pretendo--the secret background character who goes from game to game aiding our fallen heroes and giving players their extra lives, continues on games, and save files.
Each comic was written and drawn by me. I'm not the funniest person, but I tried to find something fun and memorable for each of these stories.
Because of Covid-19, the PITAthon has had to take a back seat in 2021 due to safety concerns and funding issues. Now these remaining pieces will be used to fund our next PITAthon in 2022 where we want to come back better than ever!
Cuphead Geekade Charity Art
Art will ship in a reinforced cardboard tube.
Art is drawn on 14x11 inch bristol paper
Prints are 8.5x11 inches